Michael Bowers wrote: > Habanero's in the late summer/early fall (ie,in season), run about $1-2 US/lb > at the farmers markets. In the stores now, they are coming from Mexico (here > in California), and they run $5-6/lb, and the heat is quite variable. In > summer the supermarket habs drop to maybe $3-4/lb.... A few month's ago, while visiting one of my local supermarkets (San Diego County, CA), I asked the produce manager why the store never stocked habaneros. He said there just didn't seem to be a demand for 'em but he'd look into it. A couple of weeks later, while visiting the same store, I found bagged habaneros (five of the little dudes to a bag, and I do mean little) priced at $2.99 per bag. A quick mathematical calculation showed me the store was selling 'em for about $22.00 per pound...ouch! I mentioned to the manager that the price was a bit steep and he sorta shrugged his shoulders in a jesture that seemed to say "You asked for 'em, you got 'em." I continue to buy my habs elsewhere (usually Henry's in Poway, formerly called Boney's...small local chain), where I generally pay from 3 to 5 bucks a pound...when they're more than 5 bucks I don't buy 'em unless I'm desperate. -- Rich McCormack (Poway, CA) macknet@cts.com Who is Rich McCormack? Find out at: http://www.free.cts.com/crash/m/macknet/