[CH] Re: Growing pods in the UK

Cameron Begg (begg.4@osu.edu)
Thu, 04 Nov 1999 20:41:58 -0500

Hi C-H's,
green wrote:
>FWIW...  It *seems* to me the jalapenos I'm finding [green] in the
>stupormarket here are this variety:  pretty tasteless, large rounded
>shoulders, very 'beefy' - like a bell.  Anybody else notice this???

Yes, on the very rare occasions that I will stoop to putting 
jalapenos in my mouth! Not content with a hot pepper that tastes 
worse than green bell pepper, they have managed to breed out both 
that undesirable flavor AND the heat. It beats me.

Tony O'Brien wrote:
[Impressive list of peppers deleted]
>Capsicum Frutescens
>Pueblo (pj)
>Thai Dragon
>Thai Hot

I believe these are more correctly classified as C. annuum.

BTW I lived four years in Southgate and spent a lot of time at 
weekends walking in the country South of Hertford between the A1 and 
the A10. Happy memories of hazy Autumn afternoons and pints in cozy 

                      Regards,               Cameron.