Took Miz Anne over to Houston yesterday and she flew out this am to see her Mom in Southern Maryland. Sleepy Dawg and I are batching it for a week or two. Gonna be busy though as I noted the green beans are ready to pick and preserve. Will be running the pressure canner this afternoon without a doubt. Also have a lot of herbs to pick and dry. The chamomile patch is loaded with blossoms, the basil is ready to thin and top, the mint is growing wild, and the thymes, leaf celery, oreganos, mint marigold, and sage are ready, not to mention the medicinals. Got Swiss Chard and New Zealand spinach ready to pick, blanch, and freeze, and it won't be long before the cukes are numerous enough to make pickles and relish. The blueberries are beginning to ripen and the figs are a-growing. Looks like the busy season for us, putting up our year's worth of food. It is hot and we are about 15 inches behind on our rainfall average, city is ready to announce a no lawn watering policy and some rural water districts have already done so. We don't worry about the grass but do need water for our gardens. Guess if it gets bad enough I'll have to drive a temporary well to the first water sand at 12 feet and put a small pump on it for the summer. Water isn't fit to drink because of hydrogen sulfide and iron sulfates but it is okay for the plants. Big pain to drive the well and we have to do it every 5 years or so when it gets particularly dry. Thanks a lot El Nino. How y'all doing in the garden? George and Sleepy, batchelor buddies