Re: [gardeners] Need tree suggestions

George Shirley (
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 08:11:13 -0600

penny x stamm wrote:

> Harry, nyet indeed -- my redbud is at least 30 ft high, and 20 ft
> wide.
> Would you like a pair of pink dogwoods? No, they'd probably end up
> too tall. However, what about a magnolia BUSH, not tree..? They have
> a multiple base  -- I guess I mean a shrub centered base, with many
> branches growing upwards like a true shrub. Then there's weigelia --
> that grows to 6 or 8 ft in height. Rose of Sharon (Althea)..? That would
> give you height for your Christmas lights.
> Penny, NY
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I've seen 25 foot tall Rose of Sharon here in the south but they're easy to
prune and keep small. We have a dwarf crepe myrtle by our front door, it's
about 9 or 10 feet tall, sort of a purplish color flower. Miz Anne says it's
some fancy shmancy artist color like mauve or something but it still looks
purplish to me. I don't think men see the same colors wimmen do. <VBG as he
ducks and hides>
