George, don't be so rash! Why not carve those 6 ft tall stumps into totem poles...? My daughter spirited me away to the sculpture garden at Pepsi Cola Corporate Hdqrts this afternoon, for a brisk walk in the sunny-but-chilly fresh air. She showed me the rust colored mason's trowel of some 30-40 feet in height which was stuck point downwards into the soil . . . the tangled maze of aluminum rods which she calls a TV antenna with a bad tutorial . . . a short, fat bronze lady who was almost all behind . . . a park bench with three life-sized cast people resting in the sun . . . and three enormous totem poles, all charcoal grey with red accents, rising out of an empty meadow. We have a totem pole in Jimmie's office -- and only a mile away in each direction, there's a totem pole standing in a front yard. They're very eye catching, George, and would enhance the atmosphere in your veggie garden, for sure. Would make a wonderful winter project.. How are you at whittling....? Penny, NY ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: