Teresa mentioned wanting a white board or write-on board. Check out some of the equine supply catalogs. They sell big 'wipe out' perpetual calendars for around $15. You supply the month and day. Usually places alongside for notes and such. I'd think this would be a good temp idea for when seeds were sown, things to do this month, etc. As a matter of fact when I order one for the milk parlour, I think I'll order two, one for the greenhouse.I currently just use a blackboard in the milk room with everyone's name on it. I can note if someone was off feed, or when I bought hay or grain, etc. And being the lazy sort, at the end of every month I just haul out the digital camera and take a picture of it so I will have a record in this computer (before I swipe it for the next month.) Martha, (Texas) Visit our Paso Fino Club: www.TxPFHA.org Visit our farm:www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/5505/index.html